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    January might be the middle of winter but as the days lengthen the garden starts to grow. Now is a great time to plan for the coming gardening year and to order seeds and plants. Enjoy the fresh air, on dry sunny days, and check your winter protection, stakes, ties and supports are still working after any severe weather. Also put out food for birds and leave some garden areas uncut, a little longer, to provide shelter for wildlife in your garden. This month's main gardening jobs as suggested by the RHS are: Recycle your Christmas tree by shredding it for mulch Clean pots and greenhouses ready for spring Dig over any vacant plots that have not been dug already More jobs for January... Recycle your Christmas tree by shredding it for mulch Clean pots and greenhouses ready for spring Dig over any vacant plots that have not been dug already Disperse worm casts in lawns Inspect stored tubers of Dahlia, Begonia and Canna for rots or drying out Prune apple and pear trees Start forcing rhubarb Plan your vegetable crop rotations for the coming season Keep putting out food and water for hungry birds Make a polythene shelter for outdoor peaches and nectarines, to protect against peach leaf curl Please visit the RHS website for more detailed guidance on each of this month's jobs above, plus much more. Also highly recommended is the excellent Gardening Know How (January) section at Sutton's Seeds website, for more great gardening tips and advice! Cover Image by jggrz from Pixabay
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