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    Gardening jobs for August
    Aug 01

    Gardening jobs for August


    August is usually one of the hottest months of the year - making watering essential. Try to use grey water wherever possible, especially as water butts may be running low if it has been a dry summer. August is traditionally holiday-time, so you might need to enlist the help of friends and family to look after the garden while you are away. When you are at home, take the time to prune Wisteria and

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    Gardening jobs for July
    Jul 01

    Gardening jobs for July


    July is often one of the hottest months of the year and a great time to sit out and enjoy your garden. You can help keep plants looking good by regularly dead-heading, and you'll enjoy a longer display of blooms. Make sure you keep new plants well watered, using 'grey' water where possible, and hoe off weeds, which continue to thrive in the sunshine. This month's main gardening jobs are:

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    Gardening jobs for September
    Sep 01

    Gardening jobs for September


    September is generally a cooler, gustier month than August and the days are noticeably shorter. While there's not as much to do in the ornamental garden at this time of the year, if you have a fruit or vegetable patch, you'll be busy reaping the rewards of harvest. It's also time to get out and start planting spring-flowering bulbs for next year and you can collect seeds for next summer's colour t

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    Gardening jobs for December
    Dec 01

    Gardening jobs for December


    As we approach the shortest day of the year in December you will need work to keep you warm outside, such as digging and tree pruning. Check your winter protection and if you have a greenhouse make sure the heater is working. Hopefully there are not too many jobs left to do this year so you will have time for some fireside garden planning. This month's main gardening jobs are:

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  • Gardening jobs for March
    Mar 01

    Gardening jobs for March

    Spring is finally here! The almost long forgotten sounds of lawnmowers starting up, followed by the aroma of freshly cut grass, are not far away. This month's main gardening jobs as circulated by the RHS are: Cut back winter shrubs Sow some seeds and prepare seed beds Lift and divide perennials   More jobs for March... Protect new spring shoots from s

  • Gardening jobs for April
    Apr 01

    Gardening jobs for April

    With the clocks having sprung forward and Spring finally here, daffodils and flowering trees start to bloom. Whilst you can expect the inevitable April showers this month we'll have sunny days too, so it's an ideal time to turn your attention to the lawn. April is an exciting month, indoor-sown seeds are well into growth, and it's also time to start sowing outdoors. Just watch out for those unexpe

  • Gardening jobs for February
    Feb 01

    Gardening jobs for February

    This month there are signs of the approaching spring, with bulbs appearing and wildlife waking up as light levels and temperatures increase. There's plenty to do indoors this month to prepare for the season ahead. Outdoors, as the garden comes to life again, it's time to prune shrubs and climbers, such as Wisteria as well as evergreen hedges. This month's main gardening jobs as suggested by t

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