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    01 March 2026      31 March 2026

    This event began 03/01/2019 and repeats every year forever

    Spring is finally here! The almost long forgotten sounds of lawnmowers starting up, followed by the aroma of freshly cut grass, are not far away.
    This month's main gardening jobs as circulated by the RHS are:
    Cut back winter shrubs Sow some seeds and prepare seed beds Lift and divide perennials  
    More jobs for March...
    Protect new spring shoots from slugs Plant shallots, onion sets and early potatoes Plant summer-flowering bulbs Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials Top dress containers with fresh compost Mow the lawn on dry days (if needed) Cut back Cornus (dogwood) and Salix (willow) grown for colourful winter stems Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early Start feeding fish and using the pond fountain; remove pond heaters Prune bush and climbing roses  
    Please visit the RHS website for more detailed guidance on each of this month's jobs above, plus much more.
    Also highly recommended is the excellent Gardening Know How (March) section at Sutton's Seeds website, for more great gardening tips and advice!

    Event details

    Gardening Tips Calendar

    01 April 2025      30 April 2025

    This event begins 04/01/2019 and repeats every year forever

    With the clocks having sprung forward and Spring finally here, daffodils and flowering trees start to bloom. Whilst you can expect the inevitable April showers this month we'll have sunny days too, so it's an ideal time to turn your attention to the lawn. April is an exciting month, indoor-sown seeds are well into growth, and it's also time to start sowing outdoors. Just watch out for those unexpected frosts!
    This month's main gardening jobs as circulated by the RHS are:
    Keep weeds under control Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild flower seed outdoors Sow new lawns or repair bare patches  
    Here are some more jobs and reminders for April...
    Keep weeds under control Protect fruit blossom from late frosts Tie in climbing and rambling roses Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild flower seed outdoors Start to feed citrus plants Increase the water given to houseplants Feed hungry shrubs and roses Sow new lawns or repair bare patches Prune fig trees Divide bamboos and waterlilies Start feeding fish and using the pond fountain; remove pond heaters Prune bush and climbing roses  
    Please visit the RHS website for more detailed guidance on each of this month's April jobs and much more.
    Also recommended is the Gardening Know How section on Sutton's Seeds for great gardening tips and advice.

    Event details

    Gardening Tips Calendar
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